Example error


USB Flash Drive is not for this library (SN mismatch)


Option: Wipe USB Drive

  1. If the drive is Enabled (see System->USB Drive Management)
    1. System->USB Drive Management->Disable
  2. System->USB Drive Management->Erase
    1. If error "USB is busy"
      1. System->USB Drive Management->Eject
    2. If web page timeout
      1. Login as root
        1. Use `ps auxw|grep shred` to see if any `shred` processes are running
          1. Rerun a few times over 30+ seconds to be sure
        2. If you need to force stop an erase
          1. Use `killall usbMgr`
        3. When none are running, the erase worked
          1. While they're running, erase is still going
      2. System->USB Drive Management->Format
    3. If all else fails
      1. System->USB Drive Management->Disable
      2. System->USB Drive Management->Eject
      3. Login as root to MCB
        1. Validate `/dev/sda` isn't mounted using `mount` and/or `df`
          1. If mounted and System->USB Drive Management->Eject fails more than once
            1. Reboot MCB
        2. Run `dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda1 bs=1M count=1`
        3. Run `dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda2 bs=1M count=1`
        4. Run `dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=1M count=1`
        5. Note: WipeFS isn't installed
      4. System->USB Drive Management->Enable
  3. System->USB Drive Management->Enable
USB Drive Management menuExample erase request prompt

Option: Use Different USB Drive

Easy but overkill unless you really want to keep database backups of the pre-serial number change. 

