24 Nov 2024

The Question...
How well does the F8 SSD work when used as an iSCSI target for a Windows 10 host storing the Lightroom catalog along with all previews and such?
The Results...
Well, the answer is fanatic. Lightroom catalog/sqlite3 access speeds are as fast if not faster than local NVMe, there is 4TiB of space for preview storage, and preview access latency is low. Basically this set up is as fast or faster and safer than a local NVMe drive. It works well over even 1GbE but can do up to 10GbE.
Plus I can take this with me when I'm out and about and us with a high end laptop instead. Then I can use the main catalog for importing new photos with the F8 SSD used for storing the photos. Once I get home I can then move them to archive storage after a first review/edit pass.