Some QRM...

Just a tad bit of QRM here. I suspect it's the battery charger I'm using as a temporary power supply. Normally I have a bunch of filters between the radio and the power system too. That's also missing. Once it's reinstalled the problem should go away. I hope. Lest it's something harder to fix...


2m Wires-X Node Online: 145.785 Simplex

Note: Frequency is subject to change. Although it's been quite a while without issue so it's probably fine here. 

Frequency: 145.785 (Simplex)
C4FM ID: 00 (required for C4FM/Wires-X)
Location: Sterling, Va, USA
Grid Square: FM19ha
Station Call: KG4TIH
WIRES-X Node: KG4TIH-ND3 (71429)
Default Room: VA-Sterling (28558)
Transmit Power: 40w
Coordination: N/A

Sterling, Va Wires-X Node & Repeater Is Back Up: 449.375- 110.9hz

After a bit of moving hardware around my 449.375 Wires-X repeater is back online. 

Frequency: 449.375-
Tone: 110.9hz (required for analog)
C4FM ID: 00 (required for C4FM/Wires-X)
Location: Sterling, Va, USA
Grid Square: FM19ha
Station Call: KG4TIH
WIRES-X Node: KG4TIH-ND (18558)
Default Room: VIRGINIA (21625)
Transmit Power: 50w
Coordination: TMARC

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