Stupid Simple Python Script For Working With System vs ZFS Disks

This script helps identify what disks are in use (or not in use) by ZFS. It's a stupid-simple python 3 script that requires only 'sh'. You can get that via 'pip3 install sh'. 

import re
from sh import zpool,lsblk,ls
from pprint import pprint

print("Finding all disks")
sdisks = str(lsblk('-d').stdout)
# sdbl  67:240  0   7.3T  0 disk
alldisks = re.findall(r'(sd[a-z]+)\s+\d+:\d+\s+\d+\s+(.*?)\s+\d+\s+disk',sdisks,re.MULTILINE)
print("Found %d disks on system"%len(alldisks))


Ham Radio: The Old Guards vs Everyone Under 60

For those who aren't aware, there is a bit of controversy in the ham radio community at the moment around Winlink. The tl;dr here is that a bunch of boaters started getting ham radio license so they could use Winlink to send and receive email when they're out at sea.

The problems started when a few of them started using it for more than personal use - they were using it commercially. This is strictly prohibited with ham radio. This is compounded by some of the boaters not using it properly; they'd use it on frequencies already in use by others at that time.

i6000 - /etc/hosts

Static Hostnames   gibson6       M000127       R000117

# IOB lookups, do not modify anything after this in the file
#Frame 1       I0000001       I0000031       I0000051       I0000061       I0000091      I0000101      M0000281

i6000 - /etc/exports

NFS Exports

ilinkacc: $ cat /etc/exports
# See exports(5) for a description.
# This file contains a list of all directories exported to other computers.
# It is used by rpc.nfsd and rpc.mountd.

/var/log/adic   *(rw,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,async)
/etc/adic       *(rw,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,async)
/tftpboot       *(ro,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,async)

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